A Wee Trip to Mull?


 I trust you’ll forgive this unsolicited approach, but I’m just going through the process of launching a running related business on Mull in the Western Isles of Scotland. You can see what I mean at www.running-holidays.co.uk.

 It is also possible that in seeking to promote this website I might be of some help to yourselves. For example, you may be seeking additional sponsors for any races or events that you organise. If this is the case I’d be happy to consider any such possibilities.

 I’d also be happy to offer a 10% discount on any trips organised through your club for groups of 10 or more runners, provided that the booking is made before the end of 2007.

 Please take a few moments to look at the site, and if you feel that there is any way we can work together, just get in touch.

 Best wishes,

 John Hilton