Stuart will be unavailable to officiate at the next ELSS race (hostedby Dunbar) (Jazz gig of a lifetime).Can anyone stand in and "take the watch"?What’s required is for someone to register any new runners, start therunners on time and record the times and numbers of finishers.Stuart will pass on all paperwork on Tuesday. The handicap times forrunners who already completed leg1 have been calculated. Please let Stuart know ASAP. Thanks.

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Cloybank Trail Race – 28th August 2010

Dear All Carnegie Harriers are assisting with a brand new event in 2010 whichis called the Cloybank 6K Trail Race. This event will take place at2pm on Saturday 28th August within the grounds of Cloybank Estate inBanknock, Stirlingshire. All proceeds from the race will be donatedto the Royal Hospital for Sick Children in Glasgow. We have a racelimit of 75 runners for this event and entries are now being takenonline…

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Help with Junior Events and Meeting

Dunbar running club (juniors) will be hosting the pentathlon on 22nd June.  This will involve athletes from Lasswade, Musselburgh and Haddington coming along to join us for the night.If anyone could help out please let Maureen know if they are available to assist with this.We always need lots of help with registering the athletes for this one.Club will start at 6 pm that night for registration. Our Fun Run + BBQ at John…

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Portobello 4-Mile – Thursday 17th

Just a couple of notes about next week for those of you doing the race. Registration is at the Indoor Bowling Centre where Westbank Street meets the Prom (parking round the back of the five-a-side pitches that can be seen from Portobello High Street – the end up near the King’s Road/Seafield Road junction). The race is at 7:15 with registration by 6:45.  If you are entering on the night, please pay…

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Family Day

For those who were interested in fundraisers for the club per last weeks AGM, here’s one of the opportunities mentioned just popped up: Hi Folks, Just to let you know that the Hallhill family day this year will be on Sunday 8th Aug. All clubs andHallhill user groups are encouraged to take part. The theme for this year will be cowboys and Indians. I have already booked a children’s entertainer and I am…

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Races and Congratulations

Saturday was a glorious hot sunny day – ideal for lying out in the garden, with a cold drink, maybe not so ideal for racing, but it didn’t stop seven Dunbar runners taking part in the ASICS Haddington 5 mile road race. Stuart Hay finished 8th overall in 29:24, taking the trophy for first East Lothian veteran, with Steve Pattison taking the prize for first MV50 with 34:05. Brian Davidson…

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Fancy a bit of track and field?

The junior section of the club have been battling hard in the CSSALathletics league but need vital points to keep them high up the table. TheCSSAL also has senior track and field events for club members which add tothe points, and even just taking part will give them a boost. How aboutgiving yourself a new challenge, or relive your school sports day memoriesand take part in one or two of…

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By The Way, Tyndrum

Hi We have recently bought "By The Way Hostel" which is located on theWest Highland Way in Tyndrum. As a very keen distance runner myself,I would like to encourage ultra distance runners, especially those whoare training for the WHW race and Devil of the Highlands, as well asthe Highland Fling next year, to come and stay at our hostel whilethey are training. Jez Bragg, who holds the record for all…

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The details for the Musselburgh 10k race have just been published. Details can be found at Musselburgh’s website (http://www.musselburghac.com/). Remember. This is not only a counting race for this years overall championship competition, but is also the designated "Dunbar 10k Champion" race. This is a good fast race over a nice flat course. No entries on the day, so make sure you sign up good and early.

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